Book– “Symptomatology in Neurosurgery”- Dr. Virendra Deo Sinha, Dr.Jitin Bajaj, Dr.Trilochan Srivastava
Chapter in Books
- Prehospital care in traumatic brain injury (Pattern of reporting and practices for the management of traumatic brain injury)
- Challenges in Neurotrauma management in India and rapidly growing developing countries (Oxford publication)
- Pre-hospital care – Indian TBI guidelines by National Neurotrauma Society of India.
- Non-missile Penetrating Head Injuries in penetrating injuries; Missile Injuries of the Brain, Spine and peripheralNerves; Second edition, Dr H. Bhatoe
- Lateral Supra-Orbital Craniotomy and a Subfrontal-Trans-Sylvian Approach for an Olfactory Groove Virendra Deo Sinha and Amit Chakrabarty
- Principles and Application of Microscope Integrated Sodium Fluorescein-Fluorescence Module in Neuro Oncology: A Low Cost and High Utility Armamentarium Virendra Deo Sinha and Amit Chakraborty
- Frontal Parasagittal Craniotomy and Excision of a Cortical Surfacing Metastatic Melanoma Virendra Deo Sinha and Gaurav Jain
- Prehospital Care: Current Pro le and Future Trends Virendra Deo Sinha, Amit Chakrabarty Handbook of Neurotrauma Volume 2 : Cranial Trauma
- Cranio-cerebral Penetrating Injuries Virendra Deo Sinha, Amit Chakrabarty ,NishantYagnick Handbook of Neurotrauma Volume 2 : Cranial Trauma
M.S. Thesis:
“Astudy of Epidemiology, Pathologyand Clinical Features of Tumours of Soft Somatic Tissue”(25 cases)
- Pattern of Malignancy in Jaipur District. Rajasthan Medical Journal, Vol. XIV, No.3, 1985.
- Gastric Tuberculosis. Rajasthan Medical Journal, Vol. XIV, No.3, 1985.
- Epidemiological and Clinicopathological Profile of Otogenic Brain Abscess (Study of 36 cases). Rajasthan Medical Journal, Vol. XXV, No.4, March, 1986.
- An experience of 100 Cases of Blunt Injury Abdomen.S.D.M.H Journal Vol. XIII, No.4, March, 1988.
- Clinico- pathological Study of 100 Cases of Cervical Lymphadenopathy.S.D.M.H. Journal Vol. XIII, No. 1 June 1989.
- Role of Splenic Artery Ligation and Splenorraphy in Splenic Trauma. S.D.M.H Journal Vol.XIII, No.2, Sept 1989.
- Pattern of head Injury in Infancy and Childhood (A Retrospective study of 1000 cases). S.D.M.H Journal Vol. XIII, No. 4, March 1990.
- Study of Epidemiology, Pathology and Clinical Features of the Soft Somatic Tumours. S.D.M.H Journal Vol.13, No.4, March, 1990.
- Spinal Extradural Hydatid Cyst: Neurology India.Vol. 38 No.2, and March 1990.
- Post-traumatic Extradural Tension-pneumocephalus Case Report. Neurology India, Vol. 38, 1990.
- Unusual Presentation of CNS Lymphosarcoma. NeurologyIndia,Vol. 38, 1990.
- Primary Spinal Dural Melanoma Neurology India, Vol.38, 1990.
- Complication of Shunt Surgery in Hydrocephalus.S.D.M.H Journal Vol. 14, No.14, March, 1991.
- Incidence of Brain Tumours in Rajasthan.S.D.M.H Journal Vol.15, No.1, June 1991.
- Study of Soft Tissue Sarcomas (60 cases). Rajasthan Medical Journal 6th May, 1991.
- A Case Report of Neurocysticercosis with Review of Literature.S.D.M.H Journal Vol. 16, No. 4, March 1993.
- Abnormal Radiological Appearance of Cervical Neurofibroma.S.D.M.H. Journal, 1997
- Intracranial epidermoid: Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. Volume 99, Supplement 1, Page S252, July 1997.
- Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberance of Scalp. Neurology India, Vol. 49 No. 1, March 2001.
- Congenital Intracranial Teratoma of lateral Ventricle. Neurology India. Vol. 49 No. 2 June 2001.
- Meningioma Associated with Contralateral Chronic Subdural Haematoma. Neurology India, Vol. 49 No. 2, June 2001.
- Aneurysmal bone cyst of the temporal bone: a case report. Neurology India. 2002 Oct 1;50(4):511.
- Pellet impaction at identical site in both orbits. The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma. 2007 Dec 1;4(2):125-6.
- The Human Tail –Rare lesion with Occult Spinal Dysraphism.Journal of Ped. Surgery, Vol.43 page 41-43,2008.
- SpinalEpiduralExtraosseousEwing’s Sarcoma.AJNS Vol.3,2008.
- Geriatric head injuries—Experience and expectations. The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma. 2008 Dec 1;5(2):69-73.
- CT evaluation of Brain Tumors&its Histopathological Correlation-Accepted for publication in Pan Arab –Journal ofneurosurgery.
- Low Velocity Penetrating Head Injury with Impacted Foreign Bodies in Situ. AJNSVolume6/Issue1/Jan-June 2011.
- Traumatic Bilateral Basal Ganglia Bleed (Haemorrhage). The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma
Volume 8, Issue 2 , Pages 109-110, December 2011. - Mucocele of the Sphenoid Sinus: A rare Cause of Reversible 3rd Nerve Palsy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2012 Apr-Jun; 15(2): 158–160.
- Intracranial Metastasis of Spinal Intramedullary Anaplastic Astrocytoma. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, Year 2011, Volume 6, Issue 2.
- Intramedullary Cystic Lesion, Arachnoid Cyst can be a Differential Diagnosis. Neurology IndiaIssue:1, Volume:60,2012.
- Giant Cell Glioblastoma in a Child: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, Year 2012, Volume 7, Issue 3. p. 144-146.
- Telemedicine in Neurosurgical Emergency: Indian Perspective. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, Year 2012, Volume 7, Issue 2.
- Journal of Neurosurgery: Paediatrics entitled “Craniocerebralmaduromycosis:Case Report and Review ofLiterature”. 2012 Jul;10 (1).
- Severe Craniocerebral injury with Impacted Axe in Situ: A Fatal Outcome. The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma, Volume 9, issue 1 (June, 2012).
- IntraparenchymalPericatheter Cyst Following Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt: A Case Report: Neurology India, Year 2012, Volume 60, Issue 3.
- Giant Lumbosacral Schwannoma in a Child. Journal of PaediatricNeurosciences. Volume 7, May-Aug, 2012.
- Urinary Bladder Perforation, Intra-corporeal Knotting, and Per-urethral Extrusion of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt in a Single Patient: Case Report and Review of Literature: Child’s Nervous System,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 201210.1007/s00381-012-1995-2.
- Post traumatic tubercular osteomyelitis of skull vault. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice (2013). Volume 4, Issue 5. DOI: 10.4103/0976-3147.116471.
- Neurological Outcome in Patients of Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: a study of prognostic factors & role of MRI. The Indian Journal of NeurotraumaDec.2013.
- A case report of unstable Hangman’s fracture in a neighty-year-old male – Review and commented in F1000 Research Editorial Team.2015;4.
- Infratentorialhemorrhagic cerebral proliferative angiopathy: A rare presentation of a rare disease. Asian journal of neurosurgery. 2015 Jul;10(3):240.
- Complete intracranial migration of a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt: Rare complication of common procedure-: neurology of India. Vol. 64, Issue 1 January 2015
- Intraventricularracemose type neurocysticercosis with anterior interhemispheric fissure cyst: A rare case
- report April 2015 DOI:10.4103/0976-3147.153232 source Pub Med License CC by NC-ND 4.0
- Intraventricular racemose type neurocysticercosis with anterior interhemispheric fissure cyst: A rare case report. April 2015 DOI: 10.4103/0976-3147.153232 Source · PubMed License · CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Pankaj Gupta, ManishAgrawal, Virendra Deo Sinha, Ashok Gupta
- Blunt orbital injury causing traumatic intracranial aneurysm in a child. Journal of neurosciences in rural practice. 2016 Jan;7(1):187
- Post‑traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage: A review; Neurology India. / 2016 / Volume 64 / Supplement 1 S9.
- Cerebral microdialysis for assessing intracerebral hypoglycaemia’s it acts as a prognostic marker in severe traumatic brain injury? Neurology India / 2016 / Volume 64 /issue2
- Blunt orbital injury causing traumatic intracranial aneurysm in a child;Jitin Bajaj, Manish Agrawal, and VirendraDeoSinhaNeurosci Rural Pract. 2016 Jan-Mar; 7(1): 187–189.
- Spectrum of brain tumour in a tertiary care centre of Rajasthan”. The Rajasthan Medical Journal” ISSN 0485-9561 (Issue2016).
- Gliosarcoma: A rare variant of glioblastomamultiforme in paediatric patient: Case report and review of literature. World journal of clinical cases. 2016 Sep 16;4(9):302.
- Asymptomatic posterior cervical myelomeningocele with tethered cord in an adolescent: a rare form of spinal dysraphism with rare presentation. Romanian Neurosurgery. 2016 Mar 1;30(1):113-7.
- An Unusual Posttraumatic Pseudoaneurysm of Intracranial Segment (V4) of the Vertebral Artery. Indian Journal of Neurotrauma. 2016 Apr;13(01):055-8.
- Quantitative research on traumatic braininjury in India: The travails and the new optimism; Neurology India March-April 2017 / Vol 65 / Issue 2.
- Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Unconscious Patients due to Diffuse Axonal Injury and Its Prognostic Value. Indian Journal of Neurotrauma. 2017 Apr;14(01):015-20.
- A rare case of duralarterio-venous fistula presenting as primary intraventricular hemorrhage. Asian journal of neurosurgery. 2017 Apr;12(2):287.
- Cerebellar mutism syndrome following midline posterior fossa tumor resection in children: An institutional experience. Journal of pediatric neurosciences. 2017 Oct;12(4):313.
- Prognostic assessment of endocrine disturbances in post-traumaticSAH. Indian Journal of Neurotrauma; N0.2-3 Vol.14Aug-Dec.2017
- Blister aneurysm-Accepted in Romanian Journal of neurosurgery. 2017
- Use of pre-operative ependymal enhancement on MRI Brain as a marker of Grade of glioma. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, Volume 8 Issue 4 October-December 2017.
- Anterior communicating artery aneurysm clipping versus coiling: a comparative study of 50 cases. Journal of Romanian Neurosurgery. 2017 Sep 1;31(3):368-77.
- Use of 3D printer model to study vertebral artery anatomy and variations in developmental craniovertebral junction anomalies and as a preoperative tool—an institutional experience. Journal of Spine Surgery. 2017 Dec;3(4):572.
- Intraoperative squash smear in central nervous system tumors and its correlation with histopathology: 1 year study at a tertiary care Journal of neurosciences in rural practice. 2017 Apr;8(2):221.
- Chronic Sub Dural Hematoma Surgical Evacuation with Burr Drainage; An Institutional experience; Indian Journal of Neurotrauma; Indian Journal of Neurotrauma, N0.2-3 Vol.14Aug-Dec.2017
- Endovascular Occlusion of Traumatic Carotid Cavernous Fistula by Using Detachable Balloon in Various Ways: A Case Series. Indian Journal of Neurotrauma. 2017 Dec;14(02/03):070-4.
- Original Article Use of Preoperative Ependymal Enhancement on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain as a Marker of Grade of Glioma. Sumit Sharma, Shashi Kant Jain, Virendra Deo Sinha journal of neurosciences in rural Practice, Volume 8 Issue 4 October-December 2017
- Broken lumbar pedicle screw – a short report December 2017 DOI: 10.1515/romneu-2017-0091 License· CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Ashish Kumar Dewadi, Rashim Kataria, Virendra Deo Sinha.
- Conus tumours-Experience and expectations; accepted in Asian Journal of Neurosurgery.
- Diagnostic and Prognostic capabilities of newer MRI Brain Sequences in Diffuse Brain InjuryPatient-Original Article Year-2018, volume13, Issue2
- Comparative study of derangement of coagulation profile between adult and pediatric population in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A prospective study in a tertiary care trauma center. Asian journal of neurosurgery. 2018 Oct;13(4):1123.
- Role of diffusion-weighted imaging in detecting early ischemic brain injury following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Asian journal of neurosurgery. 2018 Oct;13(4):1074.
- Long standing impacted wooden fragment: A diagnostic dilemma—Accepted in Indian Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Infantile desmoplastic astrocytoma- MR imaging suggestive of pathology. Letter to editor in JNRP.
- Pre-hospital care in traumatic brain injury – factor affecting patients outcome. vol.13, Issue3, year 2018 Asian Journal of Neurosurgery.
- Increasing the safety of surgical treatment for complex Cranio-vertebral anomalies using customized 3D printed models. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2018 Feb 1; 48:203-8.
- Role of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Brain Tumor Surgery,AmiteshDubey, RashimKataria ,VirendraDeoSinha,Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Apr-Jun; 13(2): 302–306.
- Diagnostic and prognostic capability of newer magnetic resonance imaging brain sequences in diffuse axonal injury patient. Asian journal of neurosurgery. 2018 Apr;13(2):348.
- Neurosurgery in SMS Medical College – From bare necessity to excellence -Neurology India | Volume 66 | Issue 5 | September-October 2018
- Postcranioplasty Quantitative Assessment of Intracranial Fluid Dynamics and Its Impact on Neurocognition Cranioplasty Effect: A Pilot Study. World neurosurgery. 2018 Sep 24.Panwar N, Agrawal M, Sinha VD.
- Role of diffusion-weighted imaging in detecting early ischemic brain injury following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Asian journal of neurosurgery. 2018 Oct;13(4):1074.
- Pre-hospital Factors Associated with Discharge Outcomes: Baseline Data from the Andhra Pradesh Traumatic Brain Injury Project Ref. No.: WNS-18-4862R1, World Neurosurgery,25. january.2019.
- Evaluation of extent and pattern of neurocognitive functions in mild and moderate traumatic brain injury patients by using Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) score as a screening tool: An Observational study from India.Psychiatry Volume, March 2019, Pages 60-6
- Preoperative Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Landmark Modality for Predicting the Outcome andCharacterization of Supratentorial Intra-Axial Brain Tumors, KhursheedAlam Khan, Shashi Kant Jain,VirendraDeoSinha,JyotsnaSinhaWORLD NEUROSURGERY volume124, April 2019P540-551(
- Primary Spinal Cord Melanoma of Intradural Extramedullary Origin JNRP_177_18R2 AQ2, Ashish Sharma, VirendraDeoSinha.
- Think beyond Intracranial “Unusual presentation of Lumbosacral Spine arteriovenous malformation; Naresh Panwar, Manish Agrawal, GhanshyamAgrawal. V.D. SinhaRomanian neurosurgery (2019)
- 3D printed model assisted management of craniovertebral junction abnormalities: An institutional experience with review of literature&Clinical Study –PrashantAgarwal, Sanjeev Chopra, Virendra Deo Sinha, RashimKataria” Asian Spine Journal – ASJ-2019-0138.R1
- Predictors of outcome following traumatic brain injuries: Experience of a tertiary healthcare institution in Northwest India,Khursheed Alam Khan, Madhur, Virendra Deo Sinha, Nand Kishore Gora, Mohan Bairwa, March 2019 World Neurosurgery, DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.02.126.
- Cerebellopontine angle epidermoid with ipsilateral external ear atresia: an embryological associationor a coincidence Khursheed Alamkhan, Rashim Kataria, Monish Grover, Virendra DeoSinha : November 2018 British Journal of Neurosurgery
- Symptomatic spontaneous carotid cavernous fistula associated with contra lateral silent internal carotid aneurysm;Chitroda Hitesh Vrajlal, JitendraSinghShekhawat,VirendraDeoSinha,Gaurav Jain: The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery. EJNP-D-19-00048R3
- A Prospective Analysis of Derangement of Coagulation Profile in Adult and Pediatric Age Group in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain SwarupSohan Gandhi,Manish Mann,Shashikant Jain,Ugan Singh Meena,Virendra Deo Sinha: Indian J Neurotrauma 2018;00:1–7
- Traumatic brain injury: comparison of computed tomography findings in pediatric and adult populations; MadhurMadhur, Khursheed Alam Khan, Nand Kishore Gora, Achal Sharma, Virendra Deo Sinha; Indian Journal of Neurosurgery ;Indian Journal of Neurosurgery 2020; 9(03): 151-156
- Comparative Efficacy of TranssphenoidalEndonasal Endoscopic and Microscopic Pituitary Surgery at Single Center of a Developing Country.February 2020 Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull BaseDOI: 1055/s-0039-3402041Vivek Phogat,Agarwal, Virendra Deo Sinha,Devendrapurohit.
- Primary Brain Hydatid cyst in a child –A case report; Iranian journal of neurosurgery. accepted on 13.05.2020
- An unusual presentation of growing skull fracture with sutural diastasis; Accepted in journal of Neurotrauma Gaurav Sharma,Gaurav Jain,Jitendra Shekhawat,Sanjeev Chopra,Virendra Deo Sinha.CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian Journal of Neurotrauma 2020; 17(01): 53-56,DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1713460.
- A Unique Comparative Study Of Microsurgical Clipping And Endovascular Coiling Of A Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm During Vasospasm; International journal of scientific researchVolume – 9 | Issue – 6 | June – 2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 – 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsrKunj Bihari Sarawat,Ashok Gupta,V D Sinha,TrilochanShrivastava; DOI : 10.36106/ijsrKunj Bihari Sarawat,Ashok Gupta,V D Sinha,TrilochanShrivastava
- To study clinical significance of cardiac gated phase contrast MRI in patients with chiari malformation; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CHOPRA SANJEEV, JAIN SURENDRA, SINHA VIRENDRA DEV. Volume – 9 | Issue – 8 | August – 2020 Volume – 9 | Issue – 8 | August – 2020 |
- Epidemiological study of insular glioma – an institutional experience,March 2017,Romanian Neurosurgery31(1),DOI:10.1515/romneu-2017-0014,Kumar Praveen,Agarwal Manish,Sinha Virendra Deo,Bhandari Anu.
- Comparative Evaluation Of Microscopic Vascular Decompression And Endoscopic Vascular Decompression For Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Clinical Study Accepted in Indian Journal of Neurosciences (IJN) Aug.2020;Vol-6, and Issue-3.
- Peripheral Inflammatory Blood Markers In Diagnosis of Glioma And IDH Status:Journal Neuroscience in Rural Practice:Manuscript: JNRP-2020-4-14/R4 RESUBMISSION – (651).
- Low cost customized Cranioplastywith Polymethylmethacrylate using 3D printer generated mould: An institutional experience and review of literature; Ankit Chaudhary, VD Sinha, Sanjeev Chopra, Jitendra Shekawat, Gaurav Jain; Indian J. Neurotrauma;2020,17.104-109
- 1 A Rare Case of Transorbital Penetrating Intracranial Injury by a ScrewGauravSharma, Jitendra Singh Shekhawat,Virendra Deo SinhaIndian J Neurotrauma, Indian Journal of Neurotrauma 2021; 18(01): 91-92,2020
- Unusual extrusion of distal end of Ventriculoperitoneal shunt: – Case series with literature review,Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management 24 (2021) 101026 Virendra Deo Sinha, Sandeep Bhardwaj, Devendra Purohit, Sanjeev Chopra
- Consensus statement from the international consensus meeting on post-traumatic Cranioplasty,Acta Neurochirurgica REVIEW ARTICLE – CONFERENCE REPORT
106. Role of 3D printing technique in neurosurgery- An institutional experience; AJNS-475-20
- 3D printing assisted skull base surgeries: An institutional experience. JNPR 20/11/17
Resubmitted 2021.04.20 Dr V D Sinha, Dr Sanjeev Chopra, Dr AshimBoro
- Multifocal Tuberculosis- an unusual encounter, Indian Journal of Neurosciences Vol7, and Issue-2.
- Original Article IntraduralTumors of Conus and Cauda Equina Region: A Single‐institute Study of 199 Cases AJNS_552_20R2_OA Sanjeev Chopra,Ankit SurendrakumarPrajapati, Anu Bhandari, Virendra Deo Sinha